Dr. Nicole Matejic

Author. National Security focused Behavioural Economist. PRVE Pracademic.

Crimes of Influence: Generative Artificial Intelligence-led Crime as a Service

‘Crimes of Influence’ – crimes that seek to influence people towards harmful outcomes – will be one of the defining features of generative artificial intelligence (AI)-led cybercrime. With an ability to persuade and influence at potentially unavoidable economies of scale, crimes of influence...

Crimes of Influence: Generative Artificial Intelligence-led Crime as a Service
56 posts

Women - The Achilles Heel of ISIL and Khorasan

Women - The Achilles Heel of ISIL and Khorasan

While many will marvel at the UAE's progressive outlook on women's rights; and how this photograph will be a beacon for women in the Arab League of Nations - there is a larger play here. And it's an exceptional masterstroke of IO/PSYOP.

Prisoners of the Information War

Can you remember the last time you clicked on a headline that factually represented the story it claimed to report? No spin?

Social media war: Kurdish supporters vie with Islamic State in bid to win recruits

Social media influences people's decision-making: it serves to normalise highly abnormal situations - such as what conflict zones are like, when trying to attract foreign fighters.

On The Project: ISIS using social media to radicalise children

On the 28 May 2013 edition of The Project I spoke with Waleed, Gretel, Gorgi and Peter about talking to children about ISIS how they use social media as a radicalisation tool.

The Crisis Economy

Nothing sells news like a scandal, but while security companies are busy protecting their clients’ people and assets, who is looking out for them?

On Air! ABC Radio: Countering propaganda with propaganda not the solution

I caught up with ABC Radio's 'The World Today' program to talk about how fighting propaganda with propaganda is a narrow sighted view to combating radicalisation.

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