
Dr. Nicole Matejic is a Preventing Radicalisation to Violent Extremism Pracademic with extensive academic and field-based experience.

4 posts

The Radicalisation Spectrum: Influence – Not Ideology – Incubates Radicalisation

The Radicalisation Spectrum: Influence – Not Ideology – Incubates Radicalisation

... in group-based environments, radicalisation occurs on an ideologically-agnostic omni-directional spectrum of engagement vs disengagement where susceptibility to influence is a precursor to violent extremism.

Apocalypse Near? A brief primer on Accelerationism.

Apocalypse Near?  A brief primer on Accelerationism.

This blog is intended as a brief primer on the complex concept of accelerationism – with a focus on terrorist organisations and their weaponisation of the concept as a pervasive,  recurrent theme. From Muslims in Christchurch to Jews in Pittsburgh, Christians in Colombo and migrants in El Paso, recent attacks by

Why Businesses Hold the Key to Stemming the Tide of Radicalization

This new approach is why the Islamic State is also successful. In an interview, social media and terrorism expert Nicole Matejic said, “They [ISIS] have taken the content marketing framework right from the best in class business tactics taught and used it to sell violent jihad..."

PVE answers from the grave: what extremists hope to achieve in life, they fail through death

Core to Islamic extremists beliefs is that Allah approves of jihad; and should a warrior die as a result of his or her jihad – they become a martyr, immediately and automatically attaining the highest level of heavenly repose. All sins are absolved, all misdeeds forgotten. Immortal rewards vary from scores

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