A selection of Dr. Nicole Matejic's Publications include:

The Radicalisation Cascade: Using Behavioural Economics to Understand how People are Influenced towards Violent Extremes by al-Qaeda and ISIS : University of Southern Queensland Repository
The Radicalisation Spectrum: How an Individual’s Susceptibility to Influence – Not Ideology – Incubates Radicalisation Towards Non-violent and Violent Extremism | NATIONAL SECURITY JOURNAL
Crimes of Influence: Generative Artificial Intelligence-led Crime as a Service
‘Crimes of Influence’ – crimes that seek to influence people towards harmful outcomes – will be one of the defining features of generative artificial intelligence (AI)-led cybercrime. With an ability to persuade and influence at potentially unavoidable economies of scale, crimes of influence leverage the heuristics and biases that form part of everyday human cognition in ways that mislead, deceive, impair, disrupt, degrade and/or deny user-normative decision-making.
‎Social Media Rules of Engagement
‎Affari e finanze personali · 2015
NATO Review - Content Wars: Daesh’s sophisticated use of communications
Australian civil-military think tank Info Ops HQ recently published its 18 month (ongoing) investigation into Australian Foreign Fighters and Domestic Actors. This open-source intelligence investigation found that so-called Islamic State (or Daesh, al-Dawla al-Islamiyya fil Iraq wa al-Sham) run a so…
Citizen decision-making in a contested information environment – The National Security Futures Hub
Apocalypse Near? How Accelerationists are Exploiting COVID-19 | Security Solutions Media
The Crime-Terror Nexus | Security Solutions Media
We don’t have a fake news problem, we have a reality problem
Behavioural economist, Nicole Matejic examines what happens when reality starts to feel like bizarro-world.
The Crisis Economy | Security Solutions Media
Dr. Nicole Matejic
Adjunct Lecturer, Charles Sturt University School of Terrorism and National Security - Cited by 29 - Behavioural Economics - Radicalisation - Information Disorder - Terrorism - National Security

Forthcoming Books:

2024 - The Hate Economy: The Lies People Sell that Lead to Violence

TBC - The Twin-Strangers Hexalogy - a FICINT series.