Dr. Nicole Matejic

Author. National Security focused Behavioural Economist. PRVE Pracademic.

Crimes of Influence: Generative Artificial Intelligence-led Crime as a Service

‘Crimes of Influence’ – crimes that seek to influence people towards harmful outcomes – will be one of the defining features of generative artificial intelligence (AI)-led cybercrime. With an ability to persuade and influence at potentially unavoidable economies of scale, crimes of influence...

Crimes of Influence: Generative Artificial Intelligence-led Crime as a Service
56 posts

Why taking a scorched-earth approach to social media companies won't win the war on terror.

This article first appeared in the LexisNexis Rule of Law Digest in December 2019 (Volume 8, Issue 2).

Converged Crises: Noxious Actors and Guerrilla Information Warfare

Converged Crises:  Noxious Actors and Guerrilla Information Warfare

Exactly. We are in WW3. It's a guerrilla information war and we're all participants. The dividing lines have dissolved. https://t.co/aRpseXCXET — John Robb (@johnrobb) November 19, 2019 With information disorder cascading through contemporary crises, understanding risk in a new way has become a critical

Apocalypse Near? A brief primer on Accelerationism.

Apocalypse Near?  A brief primer on Accelerationism.

This blog is intended as a brief primer on the complex concept of accelerationism – with a focus on terrorist organisations and their weaponisation of the concept as a pervasive,  recurrent theme. From Muslims in Christchurch to Jews in Pittsburgh, Christians in Colombo and migrants in El Paso, recent attacks by

Influence Wars

This article is based on a presentation I delivered as part of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI) War in 2025 Conference, held in Canberra from 12 and 14 June 2019 – where I was part of a panel discussing Information Age Warfare. Over the course of Day 1 of

Strawberry Terrorism: Why ISIS are interested in Australia’s Strawberry Crisis

ISIS have published a series of propaganda posters in an attempt to turn one of our favourite sweet fruits into a game of edible Russian roulette.

The power of info ops for-good campaigns

The term ‘information operations' or ‘info ops’ is usually used in a military context to describe operational influence activities designed to degrade an enemy's capability and impact their decision making.

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