Dr Nicole Matejic explores influence through a behavioural economics lens within the national security environment.
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Dr Nicole Matejic explores influence through a behavioural economics lens within the national security environment.
This article is based on a presentation I delivered as part of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI) War in 2025 Conference, held in Canberra from 12 and 14 June 2019 – where I was part of a panel discussing Information Age Warfare. Over the course of Day 1 of
ISIS have published a series of propaganda posters in an attempt to turn one of our favourite sweet fruits into a game of edible Russian roulette.
The term ‘information operations' or ‘info ops’ is usually used in a military context to describe operational influence activities designed to degrade an enemy's capability and impact their decision making.
This open-source intelligence investigation found that so-called Islamic State run a sophisticated peer-to-peer network, which is worlds apart from the perception that ‘social media’ alone radicalises young men and women.
Social cohesion needs to be less talk more action; our leaders must demonstrate a clear intent to authentically embrace the multicultural fabric of Australia. That isn't something you can talk about -it's something that must be done.
No - Daesh aren't considerably 'improved' in their online campaign. They have been effective at content marketing terror since the start of their violent campaign. The West just remain considerably on the defensive and have been since this war began.