First published for ‘Surveillance Magazine.

Surveillance on Social Media, or socialveillance, isn’t often discussed as part of the information revolution that we’ve been living through over the past decade.

While we’ll happily believe the NSA, CIA, DoD, Mi6, Mossad and KGB are all tuning into our emails, our web browsing history and our VOIP conversations: have you ever thought about who is tuning in on social media?

I promise you: someone is watching and what’s worse, it’s highly likely you gave them their extant invitation to your 24/7 social media data party.

Modern day gatecrashers don’t arrive at your front door with a six pack of cheap beer under their arm while heading straight for your aged whisky. Once you’ve invited them inside once: usually by logging into a third party site or App using one of your social media networks credentials, quite simply, they’re the guests that never leave.

Instead of heading for your aged whisky, they instead start trawling through your most personal information. Your gender, date of birth, marital status, address, email, phone number, name of your employer … yes, all the personal information you give to your bank or your doctor or your government service providers – you’ve given to your social media network.

And that’s not all you’ve given them… to read the entire article click here. 


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