Opinion: NZ vulnerable to global information warfare
Listener: In the information wars of the future, we may well need to pick a side.
Information age warfare in 2025 - Australian Defence Magazine
What role will cyber, space and electromagnetics play in the 2025 timeframe?

War in 2025 looks grim: ASPI’s international conference highlights - Australian Defence Magazine
ASPI’s War in 2025 conference at the QT Hotel in Canberra was held between June 13 and 14, examining what war could look like six years from now.

On 'The Project' (Australia) May 2015.
Australian terrorist Neil Prakash may have been tracked by social media posts
Australia’s most wanted terrorist Neil Prakash tried to flee Islamic State by sneaking into Turkey but may have been undone by continued social media posts, Fairfax Media has learned.
Social media analysts not convinced online program to counter extremists will work
Social media analysts say they are not convinced an $18 million online program to counter the social media influence of extremist groups will work.
ABC Radio Australia ‘The World Today’ interview 26MAR2015
Speaking at Australian Security Research Centre’s Social Media & Extremism conference in Canberra, Australia on March 25 – I caught up with ABC Radio’s ‘The World Today’ program to talk about how fig

Bankstown terror arrest: Teenager spoke at 2012 Hyde Park riot
With a microphone in his hand and a smile on his face, a young boy is pictured speaking to the masses during the notorious Hyde Park riot.
Social media war: Kurdish supporters vie with Islamic State in bid to win recruits
Kurdish supporters are using social media to rally foreign fighters - including Australians - to join them in the fight against Islamic State.
Nicole Matejic: From Customs to social media expert
Nicole Matejic, CEO of Australian social media strategy firm Info Ops HQ, , has told Defence Connect of her fascinating career trajectory, from firstly working in Customs to positioning herself as

A select list of conferences & events I've spoken at:
NATO Experts Forum: Social Media for International Organizations
NATO Experts Forum: Social Media for International Organizations
StratCom | NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence Riga, Latvia
April 12 - Nicole Matejic - Institute for Politics and Strategy - Carnegie Mellon University
Nicole Matejic